Ross and Carrie, Urine Trouble: Urine Therapy Edition

You really did it.  By getting us past 4,000 new and upgrading "Oh No, Ross and Carrie" supporters in the most recent MaxFunDrive, you earned our most disgusting investigation yet. Join us as we treat Ross' eczema and Carrie's headaches, as well as improve our general health with nature's perfect medicine: our own urine. Fair warning: this episode contains disgusting decisions, disgusting descriptions, disgusting sounds, and lots of pee. And we hold nothing back... literally. (Well, almost literally. Not literally literally.)

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Ross and Carrie Contour their Cellulite: Ionithermie Edition

While on vacation on a Love Boat themed cruise, Carrie can't pass up the latest fad taking cruisers by storm: Ionithermie cellulite contouring. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Ross seeks out the same treatment - branded as BodyMelt - at a pricy local spot in Los Angeles. Will a combination of electrical currents, special oils, and dehydrated clay rid Ross and Carrie of their love handles? (Probably.)

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Ross and Carrie Clear Things Up: E-meter Edition

An incredible listener sends Ross and Carrie a vintage Scientology E-Meter, and after screaming with glee, the duo turns it on to do some basic auditing. Then, they compare it to a later model Electropsychometer that a friend has on hand. Will Ross be electrocuted by old wiring? Can Carrie achieve a floating needle? Is the only way out, through?

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Ross and Carrie Meet the Aliens: Extra Terrestrial Meditation Edition

Ross and Carrie attend a guided meditation that will shoot them into space so they can have a close encounter with "positively aligned extra terrestrial races" who are helping Earth evolve to a higher plane of existence. For only $11, they will meet a breed of cat gods, learn about the secret space programs run by the U.S. government, discover which famous family is secretly a group of reptiles, and find out why aliens love to visit casinos.

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Ross and Carrie Go Out Of Body (Part 8): Serenissimus Edition

Welcome to the final class of our CDP series! Ross and Carrie learn some final secrets from the IAC, including the fact that there is no evidence for God, but there is a type of advanced consciousness called a serenissimus... you've just never heard of one. It's not too late to learn new terms: the PENTA group sends positive energy your way, and we can put all our lessons into theorice (theory + practice). Also, we don't leave the room, but we do get outside our bodies!

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