Ross and Carrie In Spiritual Ecstasy: Crystal Skull Edition

Ross, Carrie and Drew head to the Hollywood Fringe Festival for Spiritual Ecstasy, a two-woman show featuring a crystal skull named Skully, another skull named Jesus, life advice for anyone's problems, and lots of musical instruments to put Carrie's migraine at ease.

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Ross and Carrie and Claire Get Straightened Out (Part 2): "What Was God Thinking?"

We return to Carrie and Claire, telling Ross the story of their trip to Living Stones Ministries, a Christian group that believes God can "heal" homosexuality. In this episode, Claire attends a talk about transgender issues, and Carrie and Claire attend a closing talk and Q&A, wherein they learn to surrender their wombs to God. Um, happy birthday, Claire!

Ross and Carrie and Claire Get Straightened Out (Part 1): Ex-Gay Therapy Edition

When Ross is out of town during an ex-gay ministry event, Carrie convinces her best friend Claire to spend her own birthday being tortured by confusing and distressing talks about "the freedom to grow into heterosexuality." Then, they share the misery with Ross, reviewing the harmful pseudoscience behind this movement, and the terrible advice no parents should take when their child is LGBT. Be forewarned: this one is tough.