Ross and Carrie Consult Bashar: Multi-Dimensional Channeler Edition

Ross and Carrie return to the Conscious Life Expo to catch the final talk of the event: a question and answer session with Bashar, the multi-dimensional and extra-terrestrial being who floats in a craft thousands of miles above Sedona, Arizona… but comes to us via channeler Darryl Anka. Did Bashar predict COVID’s behavior? Can he provide wisdom for our dimension? Find out here.

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Ross and Carrie Fall Into the Mystery Spot: Sketchfest 2020 Edition

Ross and Carrie travel from the great state of Los Angeles to the far northern heights of San Francisco for SketchFest 2020! In this live episode, they share their experience at the Santa Cruz Mystery Spot, a legendary tourist attraction where gravity has no power over (wo)man, water runs uphill, and forces too great to fathom make people shrink, grow, and tilt before your very eyes. There can be no explanation for it. It is certainly NOT just a tilted house built on the side of a steep hill. PLUS, very cool celebrity Rebecca Watson joins Ross and Carrie on stage and selects audience volunteers for an experiment in chromotherapy!

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