Ross and Carrie Go Out Of Body (Part 4): Intruders and Tricksters Edition


Ross and Carrie begin to make small moves out of their bodies as they continue their investigation of the International Academy of Consciousness. The latest lesson includes theological implications for the nature of the afterlife, and we are introduced to some astral figures who can help... and harm. Plus, a few new exercises with some tricky breathing to help you break out of the soma!

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Ross and Carrie Go Out Of Body (Part 3): Paranormal Phenomena Edition


Ross and Carrie make their way back to the IAC and enroll in CDP2. This first day's class is all about the paranormal. Will our vehicles remain in coincidence? Will we see ectoplasm? Are psychic surgeries, bilocation, remote viewing and telekenesis all real phenomena? Plus, we try our first OOBE technique: psychophysiological self-relaxation. Don't knock it till you try it 15 times!

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