Ross and Carrie and The Great Disappearance: Harpazo Edition

Are you ready for the Harpazo? That’s what all the cool kids are calling the Rapture these days. Ross and Carrie share takeaways from Dr. David Jeremiah’s chart-topping new book The Great Disappearance, including 31 ways to be Rapture-ready, even though that’s really just the number of chapters. Is Jesus finally returning for the faithful? What’s been keeping him so long? These questions are deftly avoided in this new volume. Plus, a look at Jeremiah’s connection to other failed predictions, and The Invasion of Other Gods!

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Ross and Carrie Scan for Satan: Mark of the Beast Edition

Carrie’s brand new husband got her a very good gift: a 1994 VHS about UPC bar codes ushering in the end of the world. She and Ross ponder Reverend John Shepherd’s stern warning that the end is coming any day now, and ask if 10,000 days is enough yet. Plus, one of their favorite movies is finally available for download, and Alex Jones is available for takedown.