Gail Thackray Heals Carrie’s Past (Part 2): Regression Edition

Healer Gail Thackray demonstrates her incredible reincarnation-monitoring abilities on a fawning crowd. Then she leads Carrie and the others in a memory regression session to explore the past-life origins of their body memories. Finally, Gail “attunes” Carrie’s “psychic opening,” thus preparing Carrie to give past life healings to scads of friends and listeners. Listen in awe as a blind woman is not healed, a lot of people learn they were once Native American, and a lady with no brother is told she kinda has a brother when you think about it.

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Gail Thackray Heals Carrie’s Past: Trauma Faith Healing Edition

Carrie receives a group healing from Gail Thackray, a medium and Reiki master who removes the corporeal residue of past traumas. Listener, do you have lower back pain? News flash: you’ve got daddy issues. And Gail can heal them in seconds! Plus, Ross discovers an inconsistency between the typical reincarnation myth and its tellers.

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Carrie Talks Trauma, Pseudoscience, and Social Media: Trauma Trap Edition

Carrie shares a talk she gave focusing on the trauma-informed community and its various expressions in therapy and on the internet. Learn how tricky it can be to define trauma, who the major contributors in this space are, and how to navigate the perilous predominance of pseudoscience and avoid the trauma trap. Ready to talk cult studies, retrospective bias, gaslighting, and DARVO? All that sexy stuff is here, and more.

Find Carrie’s slides and sources here.

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Carrie Investigates Herschel Walker: Non-diagnostic Edition

Ross and Carrie listen to a talk by one Carrie Poppy, who examines Republican Senate nominee Herschel Walker's debated mental health diagnosis. Then they discuss the thorny controversy around Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly Multiple Personality Disorder. Plus, a listener had a prediction for exactly today!

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