Ross Boards the Ark (Part 10): Flood Myths Edition

Ross rounds out his final analysis of the Ark itself, including educational displays about the Tower of Babel, ancient man, and the real reason we all are here: the Gospel of Jesus Christ (whose Dad is God). Plus, flood myths from other cultures, a possibly disingenuous, bean-based argument, and a very telling analogy involving Plato. The arc of our Ark story is slowly nearing its end. (OR IS IT?)

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Ross Boards the Ark (Part 9): Catastrophism Edition

We’ve reached the top deck of Noah’s Ark, so it’s time to send out the doves and see if they find land! We crack the language code, visit our [8] ancestors in their private rooms, learn about Ken Ham’s backstory, and then hop to the other side of the barge for lessons in flood geology and the [1] ice age that occurred 4,000 years ago. Is climate change even happening? Plus, why is Bill Nye the Science Guy on the Ark Encounter?
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Ross Boards the Ark (Part 8): Baraminology Edition

Ross tells Carrie about the fine science of kinds, cleaning up poop, the question of suffering, and why cartoon depictions of Noah’s Ark are sent by Satan. We also get to ask some questions of Noah himself. Plus, did you ever think about how a door can be a metaphor? (Makes you think.) We’re back at the Ark Encounter in Kentucky!

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Ross Boards the Ark (Part 5): Teaching Critical Thinking

It’s another trip to the Ark Experience in Kentucky! This time, Ross learns the miraculous properties of water and how to responsibly light his friends on fire. Next, Carrie and Ross look critically at a homeschooling class on Teaching Critical Thinking. Does the Bible simply offer good advice, or is knowing the Bible itself critical thinking, which flows directly from the Godhead? The answer may not surprise you. Also, Ross takes what might be the most uniquely American photo.

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Ross Boards the Ark (Part 4): Bible In Motion Edition

Ross is back at the Ark Experience in Kentucky, where he joins a bunch of homeschooling mothers in the kitchen for the busy mom’s guide to romance, sees the full Armor of God in the flesh, and finally memorizes all the key events of the Old Testament using hand motions. Carrie is equally fascinated by chief busy mom Heidi St. John, but can she stay awake through the Bible lesson? It’s an adventure that is positively Ze-rubbable!

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