Ross and Carrie Traverse Flat Earth (Part 6): The Salton Sea Test


While Carrie is out of town, Ross and his cohorts at the Independent Investigations Group set up a test to see if the Earth is flat, or a lumpy, bumpy globe. And they invite their old friend Mark Sargent, and a cadre of flat earthers to join them. Arriving at the Salton Sea with some PVC pipe, balloons, and a magical camera that recovers ships lost on the horizon, these globeheads and flatties devise a fair and simple test of the Earth's shape. We'll let you guess how that turns out.

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Ross and Carrie Traverse Flat Earth (Part 5): The Mark Sargent Interview


Ross and Carrie are delighted to have Flat Earth theorist Mark Sargent on for a lively conversation about everything under the... dome. The popular YouTube personality explains some of his favorite proofs that Earth isn't a globe, explores NASA's lies, explains how the dome projection system works, and connects the dots between Flat Earth and some of his other "favorite" conspiracy theories. Enjoy one of our favorite interviews yet!Please help support this and all our investigations at!

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Ross and Carrie Traverse Flat Earth (Part 4): Ahead of the Curve

 Ross and Carrie tune in for more extraordinary claims from the Flat Earth International Conference. With the help of flat earth celebs like Mark Sargent and Mr. Thrive and Survive, they learn that the sun is just a projection, The Truman Show is basically a true story, the Chicago skyline proves the earth isn't round, and Islam is wrong. But this isn't a religious thing. Plus, play our new favorite game: "Which Elon Musk quote is a lie?" (It's all of them.)

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