Ross and Carrie Audit Scientology (Part 4): Dianetics and Volcanoes

The "fun" continues as Ross and Carrie get certified in Dianetics. The pair spend 22 hours at the Church over a single weekend, learning how experiences are encoded in our cells, what an "engram" is, and how to audit your friends for neither fun, nor profit. Plus, find out the secret menu item for Scientologist vegetarians. It's a super-sized MaxFunDrive episode!

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Ross and Carrie Audit Scientology (Part 3): Create-Create-Create

It's the next leg in our bizarre and amazing Scientology journey. Ross moves on to Scientology's "advanced" personal efficiency course, and finds it anything but efficient. As the only student in the entire class, he gets the chance to ask a lot of good questions, and get a lot of strange answers. Meanwhile, Carrie listens along with you and marks every inefficient teaching with a slide whistle. Plus, we learn that the Scientologists already lied to Ross about one of their teachings. Check it out, and get confused!

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Ross and Carrie Audit Scientology (Part 2): We Stand Tall

Ross continues taking his Personal Efficiency course, and Carrie visits the semi-exclusive Scientology New Year's party. Which one of them is accidentally sent into a Sea Org meeting? Who is given a free Church membership? What on Earth is an "upset"? And who the heck is Ross Blocker? The answers are within.

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Ross and Carrie Audit Scientology (Part 1): Going Preclear

Ross and Carrie stop by “Big Blue”, Scientology’s L.A. Ideal Org. They come for the free personality test, but stay for two additional tests and a sales pitch. Do they sign up for classes? Does Carrie need to fix her relationship before it’s broken? Is Ross 100% American? Find out in the first part of the investigation you’ve all been waiting for.

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Ross and Carrie Inventory Their Personalities: Myers-Briggs Edition

Ross and Carrie take the most popular personality inventory (do NOT call it a test!)  to find out what makes them tick. Is personality testing just an unscientific fad, or does it really reveal insight into what makes us all different? Are there exactly 16 kinds of people? Is Carrie secretly introverted and living a lie? Does Ross have commitment problems? You might think these questions couldn't be answered by a random stranger, BUT THEY CAN.

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